Grieve In Your Own Way

Jordan didn’t want to see me cry so during his two year battle I didn’t very much. Instead, I shoved everything down. After he died, I took six months and let grief have its way with me.

Jordan and Bambi barbecuing on the back deck. Jordan is bald wearing a gray tshirt and black shorts. His back is to us and he's holding a tool. Bambi is on the right wearing a white tshirt with a black shorts. Beyond them is a grove of trees

It’s The Everyday Things

When you have lost a child, there are many memories that circle in your mind, hear and soul every second of every day. Some that bring a slight smile to your face and some that bring a tear to your eye. When a mother misses her child, that feeling also floats through your mind, heart and soul every second of every day.

Jordan asleep in the hammock. He's wearing a white t-shirt and facing away from the camera. Behind him, there's a red barn like structure and trees in the distance. His book is on the lawn which stretches to the barn like structure.

Turning The Pages Of Life Without My Son

My old life is now foreign to me. I remember that life with Jordan living as if he is still here at home. I know I will never get that life back. I am watching it drift away over the horizon.

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