Like The Leaves

The leaves lush and green still cling fast to their woody homes not yet ready to release their juicy hold and launch into the unknown.

Just Fine

They ask me how I’m doing these days and weeks after he left for the last time, shed his last tear, gave his last hug, took his last breath …

We Thought

She would stand at the rail each time we left thin arms raised to blow kisses that followed us home and we thought we had more time.

Cherry tree leaves with a hint of red. New growth just budding in spring

Spring Without Her

Today I sit in uneasy peace, willing to move from my lookout by the window, glad the clear wall is there to shield me.

Carol's art with a yellow-orange circle in the middle, a ring of yellow and pink around it and an outer fringe of gray blue.

The Quiet Place

Carol Mathew-Rogers is an artist, writer and life-long animal lover. She is the Executive Director of the educational nonprofit The Creative Edge: The Way of the Arts where she facilitates personal growth and exploration through creativity in individuals and groups. She creates an atmosphere where curiosity and mindfulness are encouraged and actively promotes artistic play. […]

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