Diane and her mother sitting next to each on brown chairs in front of a window with sheer curtains. Diane is wearing a red turtleneck and black sweater. Diane's mom is wearing a red collar shirt and a Christmas vest

The Forgotten Daughter

“Tell me your name” mom said
“I’m Diane” I replied

Diane sitting on a black leather couch with her mother. Her mother's kitchen with light wood cabinets can be seen in the background. Diane is on the left wearing a light red collared blouse over a long sleeve red t-shirt. Dian's mom is wearing dark pants, a white shirt and a red and black Christmas sweater.

I Can’t Save My Mother

Even though I’m trying as hard as I can
I must accept the fact that I can’t save my mother

Diane and her mom are sitting on a brown leather couch in the living room, each holding the side of an open book. Diane is on the left wearing a black and white Christmas sweater. Diane's mom is on the right wearing a red sweatshirt.

The Light In Her Eyes

Her eyes were once so bright and blue
… Soft blue and soothing to me
Now I watch as the light in her eyes slowly dims

Beating Alzheimer’s

If I bring her books to read
If I play her music

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