Jimmy sitting next to Molly. They each have a large stuffed animal next to them. Molly's arm is around Jimmy's neck

Counting The Days

There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have a feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well. Nicholas Sparks

The word FRIENDS written on a flat gray rock sitting on a pile of rocks

Hard Consolation

My friend is dying, and rather than rage against that as I might have when young, I find myself savoring in the sweetest way the fact that we met at all, that each of us was born and stumbled our way to each other. Hard consolation that …

Blue violet winter sky with stars in it. Two trees appear in dark silhouette in front.

The Sweetness Of Starlight

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. Og Mandino

Purple and orange sunset with a bare tree in front of it

Watching The Light Leave

In winter, you’re never more than a few steps from darkness. Katherine May

Jimmy squating down with his hands on an antique cannonball on a chain. He's wearing a red Red Dox hat, a white t-shirt, black shorts with white piping and flip flops

Ghost Child

Whatever I am doing, wherever I am, I am thinking: Where is he, where is he? He can’t just have vanished. He must be someplace. All I have to do is find him. Maggie O’Farrell

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