The Good Ones

Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there. Unknown

The Spaciousness of Silence

Who cannot understand your silence, cannot understand your words. J.R. Tolkien

Zombie Fires

Now this small flame of sorrow reminds me who I am who I’ve loved and how I would not give up a half Planck length of love. Not that loss is easier, no but god help me, I’ve learned that it’s a gift to burn. Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

Ghost Light

Although the theater is empty, it is a sign we will return, a light left on stage to keep us all safe in the dark. Ross Henderson-McKillop

The Light Bringer

I loved that dog, and in giving a scared, abused, imperfect Emily a home, she loved me back, and together our lives both bloomed. The loss of that joy is why the pain is so acute – and why, at some point in the maybe not so distant future, I’ll go back to that animal shelter with a brand new leash and do it all over again. Jen A. Miller

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