The Light Bringer
I loved that dog, and in giving a scared, abused, imperfect Emily a home, she loved me back, and together our lives both bloomed. The loss of that joy is why the pain is so acute – and why, at some point in the maybe not so distant future, I’ll go back to that animal shelter with a brand new leash and do it all over again. Jen A. Miller
The Path Back to Joy
You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings. Elizabeth Gilbert
Words for the Journey
Alone – From the beginning, it’s what you promised your son he would never be. By himself at the hospital. Left to face his fears in the middle of the night. At the mercy of his side effects or pain with no one to rub his back or hold his hand.
Wild Patience
Grief is nothing but a painful waiting, a horrible patience. Grief cannot be torn down or scaled or overcome or outsmarted. It can only be outlasted. Survival is surrender to the brick wall. Glennon Doyle
On My Lap
While we try to teach our children about life, our children teach us what life is all about. Angelia Schwindt