Margo and Jimmy after a race in 2006. Margo is on the right wearing a long sleeve white t-shirt that says "Portland Children's Museum". Jimmy is on the right, bald from cancer treatment wearing a short sleeve white t-shirt with the number 3186 pinned to the front

Finding Your People

Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them and it will change your life. Amy Poehler

Silhouette of a woman in bow pose on a beach at sunrise. There's a band of orange low in the sky. The sand she's standing on is smooth and wet.

Living in the Body

Body is something you need in order to stay on this planet and you only get one. And no matter which one you get, it will not be satisfactory. It will not be beautiful enough, it will be not be fast enough …

Photo of Jimmy's bed with a red bedspread, two penguins and two pillows, one with the JF logo on the front and the other with JIMMYSTRONG on it

Say Their Names

A man is not dead while his name is still spoken. Terry Pratchett

Seven women at Kaia holding plank in a row on the sidewalk

The Wisdom of Natalie

Be gentle. Be kind. Be honest. Be true. Be real. Be you. Natalie Terry

Dad in a beige sport coat and white color shirt sitting next to Mom who's wearing a black print blouse and glasses holding Jimmy age 2

Mind Over Matter

Age is simply a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it don’t matter. Jack Benny

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