A cairn of rocks on a rocky beach with the ocean in the background and a cloudy, blue, pink sky


The stability we cannot find in the world, we must create within our own persons. Nathaniel Branden

It Will Not Come Again

Only when the clock stops does time come to life. William Faulkner

The Language of Grief

There are many reasons to treat each other with great tenderness. One is the sheer miracle that we are here together on a planet surrounded by dying stars. One is that we cannot see what anyone else has swallowed. Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

Martha, Margo and Larry at Margo's graduation. Martha is wearing a suit jacket and dark glasses. She has short gray hair. Margo is wearing a black cape and gown and carrying a bouquet of roses. Larry is wearing a brown suede suite jacket and brown tie.

When Your Last Parent Dies

For a child, the loss of a parent is the loss of memory itself. Svetlana Alexievich

Repairing My Heart

What if we don’t have to be healed to be whole? There are holes in every inch of the fabric that makes me who I am. Andrea Gibson

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