Jimmy, Drew and Willie at Jimmy's birthday party eating pizza

“No Ragrets”

Regret is normal in situations where you lose a loved one or someone close to you. It’s natural, and so easy to fall into thinking about things you wish you’d done, wish you’d said or that you regret doing. The mind too easily focuses on the negative because you are already in a dark place […]

Jimmy and Willie at the Portland LIVESTRONG Challenge. Jimmy is on the left wearing a LIVESTRONG vest; Willie is on the right wearing a Florida Gators blue hoodie

Missing Jimmy

How do you get over losing one of your closest friends? It’s not something people talk about very much. There are movies, articles, TV shows that discuss losing parents, spouses and children but there aren’t enough about what it’s like when one of your best friends dies. The movie “50/50” with Seth Rogen and Joseph […]

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