There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief … And unspeakable love …
Washington Irving

After the death of a beloved, there is no avoiding the overwhelming grief or the tears. In the immediate aftermath, we may be in shock, feel numb or even be in denial about the loss. Although everyone’s timetable is different, eventually we have to acknowledge the loss and how devastated we are. No matter how painful, we must sit with our grief and all that we’ve lost in order to start healing.

a close up image of a piece of paper with handwriting all over it

At Salt Water, we can help you learn to live with an unbearable loss. We offer ideas, strategies, tools and most importantly, hope that you can survive the death of someone you didn’t think you could live without.

We invite you to become part of our community. Share your story, ask a question, make a comment. We’d love to hear from you.

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The Tyranny of Death

After the deaths of a good friend, his mother’s best friend, both of his grandparents, his uncle and finally, his father all in a five year period, Lewis wrote “The Tyranny of Death” to express the emotional tension created by the death of loved ones.

It Could Mean Everything

Hope is like a bird that senses the dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark. Unknown

A Box Full Of Darkness

Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift. Mary Oliver

Glass plate with hummingbird on it made by Laura's father. The hummingbird has an orange head, turquoise body and shimmery blue wings

Gone Too Soon

Laura lost both her parents and a dear friend suddenly and unexpectedly.

Jordan and Bambi barbecuing on the back deck. Jordan is bald wearing a gray tshirt and black shorts. His back is to us and he's holding a tool. Bambi is on the right wearing a white tshirt with a black shorts. Beyond them is a grove of trees

It’s The Everyday Things

When you have lost a child, there are many memories that circle in your mind, hear and soul every second of every day. Some that bring a slight smile to your face and some that bring a tear to your eye. When a mother misses her child, that feeling also floats through your mind, heart and soul every second of every day.

Man's silver razor lying on top of a small green circular container. Sitting next to it is a shaving cream brush with a silver handle

ALS: Early Symptoms

Shirtless, he shaves at the upstairs sink,
dips the brush, stirs the cup. The rind
of shaving soap softens to a luscious

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