There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief … And unspeakable love …
Washington Irving

After the death of a beloved, there is no avoiding the overwhelming grief or the tears. In the immediate aftermath, we may be in shock, feel numb or even be in denial about the loss. Although everyone’s timetable is different, eventually we have to acknowledge the loss and how devastated we are. No matter how painful, we must sit with our grief and all that we’ve lost in order to start healing.

a close up image of a piece of paper with handwriting all over it

At Salt Water, we can help you learn to live with an unbearable loss. We offer ideas, strategies, tools and most importantly, hope that you can survive the death of someone you didn’t think you could live without.

We invite you to become part of our community. Share your story, ask a question, make a comment. We’d love to hear from you.

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Photo of Jimmy's bed with a red bedspread, two penguins and two pillows, one with the JF logo on the front and the other with JIMMYSTRONG on it

Say Their Names

A man is not dead while his name is still spoken. Terry Pratchett

The ocean at sunset with orange and yellow clouds in the sky reflected in the waves below.

The more the merrier

The day we gathered to remember you, fires rampaged across our state as the diablo winds whipped October and stories circled like whirling leaves

View of Hurst Avenue from the side. The driveway is in the foreground with the green house in the background, largely hidden by bushes. The redwood trees are behind it and the liquid amber trees are to the left.

Saying Goodbye

How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. Winnie the Pooh

Brandon wearing a long sleeve checked collar shirt and blue jeans with his hands in his pocket standing in the middle of an alleyway

Since Losing You

During the first year after losing my 20 year old son Brandon (who had the brightest smile, perfect dimples, the hardiest laugh and gave the best hugs), I learned a lot. A lot about myself, about people, about God, about death, about grief, about Brandon himself and also about life. These unwanted enlightenments or lessons […]

Woman and young girl doing pushups on a road or gravel path. The woman is on the left wearing a yellow tank top. She has blond hair. The young girl has dark hair in a pony tail and is wearing a pink headband and purple shirt.

My Superheroes

The women whom I love and admire for their strength and grace did not get that way because shit worked out. They got that way because shit went wrong, and they handled it. They handled it in a thousand ways on a thousand different days, but they handled it. Those women are my superheroes. Elizabeth […]

White full moon against a dark night sky

No Matter What

No matter what anybody says about grief, and about time healing all wounds, the truth is, there are certain sorrows that never fade away until the heart stops beating and the last breath is taken. Tiffanie DeBartolo

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