I Hope

Aimee is a writer, chiropractor, wife, and mother of three, two of whom walk the Earth with her and one who lives in Heaven.

In December of 2019, her 12 year old son, Luke, had an accident while playing in the basement, and despite the best efforts of Aimee, the first responders, and the staff at their local hospital, his life could not be saved. After being airlifted to Health Science’s Centre in Winnipeg, Luke was pronounced brain dead, and Aimee, along with her husband Kevin, made the decision to donate Luke’s organs.

Since that time, Aimee has been openly sharing her grief journey both through her writing and through The Green Heart Project, a program through which she raises money for donation to local charities in Luke’s name. Follow Aimee on Instagram @green_heart_project

I hope
When you walked into that room
You took a moment
Realized the job you had to do
Was not just another surgery
That this was not just another day to you

I hope
Before you made the first cut
You took a deep breath
Remembered he was a child
A living, breathing little boy
Only days before

I hope
When you held his organs in your hands
You paused
Realized how sacred they were
Before tenderly packing them
For the next person to use

I hope
You were gentle with him
Remembering with each cut
That he was mine first
Until I had no choice
But to gift his life to others

I hope
You took care
When you stitched him back together
Tending to him
As you would your own
Perfecting each knot and stitch

I hope
He mattered
Even though you didn’t know him
That he left a space in your heart
A small little spot
That aches when you remember that day

Photos by Cynthia Korman Photography

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