I am an AWA writer, Hula dancer, perpetuate Hawaiian Culture, advocate for cancer survivorship. I work for the State in IT Customer Service Administration. I am committed to raising my Pembroke Welsh Corgis. We recently said goodbye to our last boy, Kingston, from our original Corgi pack. We currently have two Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Peachy2 & Haiku2, who are siblings. I am married to my husband of 19 years and live in our humble but cozy home in Sacramento California.
Her little hands, in my hand,
As we walk to kindergarten.
She smiling at me, eager to play
With all the other kids.
I let go.
She plays so freely.
And when recess is over,
She listens to her teacher Miss Bunch so intently.
She grows into a smart young high schooler.
In a blink of an eye she is in college.
She graduated and is thriving in her career.
She met her soul spirit in a lovely educated man, who is to be her husband.
I am at her wedding,
standing beside her as mother of the bride.
This is what dreaming looks like to me.
An imaginary relationship with my unborn daughter.
My unborn son has his own story in my imagination.
The cancer took my ovaries, fallopian tubes and my uterus.
The physical scars are less painful than the emotional scars.
So I live with the hot flashes and health condition due to early onset menopause.
And I cope in the death of not able to have natural children,
By imagining their lives.

Bravo, Cheryle! Nicely done! And thank you, Margo.