I am an AWA writer, Hula dancer, perpetuate Hawaiian Culture, advocate for cancer survivorship. I work for the State in IT Customer Service Administration. I am committed to raising my Pembroke Welsh Corgis. We recently said goodbye to our last boy, Kingston, from our original Corgi pack. We currently have two Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Peachy2 & Haiku2, who are siblings. I am married to my husband of 19 years and live in our humble but cozy home in Sacramento California.

Louise DeLeon 7.22.1947 – 11.20 24
A special Light in all of our lives.
The warmth of the of the Sun radiates throughout her entire being.
Spitfire Blues, would beam, with every welcoming glance.
Opened arms, with every embrace. Strong shoulders to hold on to, when cradling her grandchildren.
She raised so many of us, with love and nurturing support.
Always showing up, and having the unwavering ability to make you feel that no one was more close to her than you.
Beautiful blue eyes, you are now at Peace in heaven. Your radiance and warmth live with every Sunrise and Sunset. You live in us all.
Never forgotten our beautiful Louise. Fly high with your angel wings.
My beloved Godmother Louise De Leon passed away on 11.20.24. It was unexpected as she was battling cancer. She fought for many years. Each time she went through chemo, she became weak, and slim.
She was a very strong motherly role model to me my whole life. She was in every way my second mother. I visited her, showering her with hand made jewelry, head wraps, scarves and Leis. I visited her several times in 2024, up until her birthday. We were in touch ten days before she passed by text. She mentioned her gout was bothering her.
For 53 years of my life, she was there for me., best friends to my mother Millie for 65 plus years.
My heart is at a loss, so is my mom Millie’s heart. we are in deep grief as we prepare for her Celebration of Life on Feb 22nd. On normal conditions, we would be celebrating my husband Brooks and my 20th year wedding anniversary. Instead, it will be spent planning and celebrating my beloved Godmother Louise Deleon. I know her Spirit will be with us as I dance a hula about ” family, and it’s where I wear family Ohana on my chest”.

So sorry Cheryle. Lovely tribute.