photo of the squares of a quilt. Each square has a dozen stripes of color widening out from the same area of the square.

Ars Poetica: Starting Over

I have forgotten how to choose fabric by the feel of the drape, how to tell by touch what will fall into folds under its own weight.

Sailboat off in the distance post sunset. The sky in the horizon line is pink; the ocean is violet and the sky is a darkening blue.

Seaworthy (for Meredith)

My daughter calls to offer me some
sweet words of support. I tell her the days are okay but nights
I wake in fear …

Blue jay on the grass holding a peanut in its mouth

Still, I Give Thanks

Day fourteen in the radiation waiting room, and the old man sitting next to me says he gives thanks every day because he can still roll over and climb out of bed.

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