There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief … And unspeakable love …
Washington Irving

After the death of a beloved, there is no avoiding the overwhelming grief or the tears. In the immediate aftermath, we may be in shock, feel numb or even be in denial about the loss. Although everyone’s timetable is different, eventually we have to acknowledge the loss and how devastated we are. No matter how painful, we must sit with our grief and all that we’ve lost in order to start healing.

a close up image of a piece of paper with handwriting all over it

At Salt Water, we can help you learn to live with an unbearable loss. We offer ideas, strategies, tools and most importantly, hope that you can survive the death of someone you didn’t think you could live without.

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Jimmy, Molly, Dan and Margo at the Rose Bowl, standing with their arms around each other. They are all wearing Stanford clothing and Dan has a tag around his neck with his Rose Bowl ticket in it.

Guilt is the Thief of Joy

Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death — Coco Chanel

Jimmy, Shannon and Theo at AT&T Park. Jimmy is wearing an orange SF Giants cap, a gray Giants' sweatshirt and blue jeans. Shannon is wearing sunglasses, a dark shirt and dark pants. Theo is wearing a Giants' cap, an orange Giants' sweatshirt and carrying an orange Giants towel

The Unimaginable

If you have seen Hamilton, you know the scene. Phillip, Alexander Hamilton’s son, has died, and Alexander and Eliza, his wife, have moved uptown. The chorus repeats “can you imagine?”, “it is quiet uptown” and then the words most striking to me: “they are going through the unimaginable”. Tears were streaming down my face as I […]

Lady Gaga on stage wearing a white jacket and a pink hat with the microphone in her left hand close to her face


If you could, I know that you’d stay. We both know things don’t work that way. Lady Gaga

black and white puppy on black and white checkered floor

Dog People

You know who you are. You learn the dog’s name before you remember your neighbor’s name. You go to a party and spend more time petting the dog than chatting with strangers. There’s a TV show called Unlikely Animal Friends that features relationships between different species that we think are strange. Well, humans and dogs […]

Outline of a son and his father against a backdrop of words like love, hold, embrace, trust, cherish

Waiting For the Rat to Die

Of the seven deadly sins, anger is possibly the most fun. To lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll your tongue over the prospect of bitter confrontation still to come, to savor the last toothsome morsel, both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back […]

Jimmy standing in a field of sunflowers; only his head and shoulders are visible

Behaving Badly

You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. Anne Lamott

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